Eco-Friendly Paints
A move to water based paints that reduce the content of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) is gaining traction across all industries. The new paints reduce harmful emissions to less than 400g/1 VOC clearing much of the effluent air of pollutants. Tricky, but effective, water based paints require expert technique to increase drying, gloss levels, and durability. Whether by reducing the proportion of solids and organic compounds, or employing water based paints, Yorktown Auto Body is committed to the technology that delivers the highest quality and safety in its precision restorative repair.
Dents, Rust, Scratches
Technique is a critical element to all auto bodywork. The application of it ensures a quality approach. Dent repair always starts with a paintless option to preserve the original finish of the car. Treating rust is the same; poorly treated, rust just finds more rust. It’s the same for scratches. Buffing can cover many of them, but should not be used as a veil, obscuring deep scratches that will ultimately re-surface. Color hardener in the body mudding is an extra step that delivers a better result in the painting of the car.
Technology & Tools
Computer assisted frame machines add precision to frame straightening that cannot be achieved without them. Test alignment complement all frame, drive parts, and body work to ensure travel metrics are correct. Yorktown Auto Body employs these and other technologies that prepare the best possible repair results.
Yorktown Auto Body is the only auto restoration facility in the country that employs an advanced electronic project management system that tracks every aspect of the repair process and uniquely allows customers to check the status of their car “in-process” at each of the 5 Phases of the restoration process.
What makes Yorktown Auto Body the professional choice in your auto body repair decision is the professional team of skilled craftsmen who are specifically trained in auto body repair. Our professionals are experts at frame straightening, welding, dent removal, 4-wheel alignment, windshield and auto glass repair or replacement.